Friday, February 5, 2016

First Feed.

After reading the summary about natural hazards, disasters and catastrophes . I was able to understand that a natural hazard is cause by internal events in the earths core and that produce a life threatening situation for human life. Some examples of this are volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The major difference between a hazard and disaster or catastrophe, is the difference in the casualty ratio per event. This means that if there are no deaths a hazardous event can occur multiple times and stay as  just an event that could have been dangerous. A disaster is labeled as such when it: causes ten or more deaths, is a threat to 100 or more people or is declared a state of emergency. The final example is a catastrophe which is categorized as a massive disaster that requires large amounts of financial assistant to recover and spans over a length of multiple years. The country I chose is not very big but it has experienced multiple natural hazards. For example, they experienced a 6.6 magnitude earthquake in 2001 that killed 315 people and at least 3,399 other people were injured. Furthermore, the damage on the homes were reported to be about 45,000 in total. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice entry. Thank you for the map. In future posts, do not forget your references (you'll see it in the rubric next week).
